christmas decorations

Christmas Decorations

How To Purge Your Christmas Decorations

Guest post by Sharon of Are you dreading putting away your Christmas decorations? Do you need to purge your Christmas decorations but don’t know where to start or what to do with them? I know this is difficult, but sometimes it’s important to purge as we put things away and to make the hard decisions now, rather than when you get the decorations out. It’s harder to make those decisions when the holiday season is approaching, you don’t have the mental space to think about something else, but now the holiday season is almost over, it’s time to purge those…

Christmas Decorations

DIY Decorations: Create your own Christmas Garland

This is a Guest Post by Becky of The Lifestyle Blogger UK I absolutely LOVE this time of year when people begin to talk about their plans for Christmas; who is going to be where for Christmas dinner, who is going to be making the Christmas dinner, the subtle (or not so subtle) hints for Christmas gifts…etc. I know most people like to wait until at least November before broaching the subject but as soon as October comes I’m all in! The preparation begins for the Christmas cake, soaking the fruit in as much brandy and rum as possible before…

Christmas Home Decor

Tips for Turning Your Bedroom into a Christmas Wonderland

The Christmas tree is set up in the living room; there’s fresh cookies making the kitchen smell like warm dough; the lights are strung all along the outside of the house. Slowly, the rooms of your house are getting into the Christmas spirit – but what about your bedroom? Of all the places we relax at home, there’s no denying that we love our bedrooms. And yet, our bedrooms are one of the most challenging rooms to decorate for Christmas, usually because we focus on every other room first. Fortunately, by incorporating these holiday ideas into your bedroom, you can transform the space into…

Christmas Home Decor

My Favourite DIY Christmas Quotes Signs

When decorating for the holidays, you can often overlook some creative outdoor and indoor options for decorating your home (or business!) - so I spent some time on Pinterest recently looking up some of my favourite DIY sign ideas that make a super great (and EASY) decoration idea. Personally, I have a mini marquee that I use on occasion, especially around the holidays. Here are a few other super creative ideas on working signs and displays into your decor for Christmas.   Marquee Lightbox Sign Lightbox signs are all the rage right now - and their monochrome design means they…