Ideas For Your Christmas Wardrobe
It doesn’t matter what time of the year it is, you can always start planning for your Christmas wardrobe. December is a tough time financially and so it is always monetarily beneficial to be ahead of the game and pre-plan for the festive season. Christmas is the one occasion where you can milk it with accessories, baubles and clothing items affecting everyone around you with the spirit of Christmas. Here are some cost effective tips you can begin looking into and to help you get in touch with your creative side. Ribbons and Trinkets Bells, ribbons and trinkets. If you…
Christmas in July Treats: Snowmelon Men!
To celebrate our site relaunch I've put together a few special posts to help you celebrate these warm summer days in a really cool way, today I would like to share some Christmas in July treats. These adorable little Melon Ball Snowmen, or as I've decided to call them "Snowmelon Men". If you're looking for a summer snack that has a festive touch, or would like a less sugary alternative to Marshmallow Snowmen, these are perfect. Supplies You'll need a honeydew or cantaloupe melon, some red licorice string, kabab or cake pop sticks, a melon baller (ideally two sizes),…