
Christmas Crafts

Quick & Easy: Cardboard Tube Santa & Snowman

We love this quick and easy kids Christmas craft, and this is a super quick and cute craft that can you can do anytime with basic supplies that you already have on hand. I don't know about your house, but around here we have dozens of leftover cardboard tubes, from toilet paper, from paper towels, they make the easiest base for a quick and simple kids Christmas craft. I sat down with my daughter to make these adorable Santas and Snowmen and it only took about a half an hour total. The Supplies you'll need are super simple. Just some…

Christmas Movies & Television

Best Classic Christmas Movies

There's nothing quite like watching a few Classic Christmas Movies over the Holidays to get you into the Christmas Spirit. Here we run down a few of our favourite Classic Christmas movies, and where you can watch them online. If you're in a marathon mood, check out our full Christmas Movies section for more ideas for holiday films! White Christmas White Christmas is probably the best Christmas movie of all-time. It's got amazing singing and dancing numbers, some romance, a little drama and a lot of fantastic humour. Not to mention the largest tinsel-covered Christmas Trees seen on stage. I'm…

Christmas Traditions

Traditions on Christmas Morning

It's finally arrived, Christmas Day is here and everyone is excited to take part in their own family traditions on Christmas Morning. Santa has delivered his gifts, there's a big day ahead, usually spent with family, friends, and other loved ones. Learn more about some of the best and most wonderful Christmas morning traditions all over the world. Christmas Breakfast If breakfast is the most important meal of the day, then Christmas Morning Breakfast might be the most important meal of the year! Most traditions on Christmas Morning include a big breakfast with the whole family. See our recipe list…

Christmas Traditions

Christmas Eve Traditions

December 24th, the day before Christmas, is known as Christmas Eve. Christmas Eve celebrations happen all over the world in different ways. See below for a list of some of the most common Christmas Eve Traditions. Each family may celebrate Christmas Eve in a different way, here some of  Christmas Eve Traditions that happen in  households in different cultures and countries. Carolling One common Christmas Eve Tradition is to go Carolling, with a group or just family members. Some may sing door-to-door or simply gather in a home to sing traditional Christmas Carols. Christmas Eve Meal Sometimes a special meal…