Berry Pavlova: Australian Summer Christmas Dessert
One of the best aspects of learning about Christmas Traditions in other countries is finding out new and exciting recipes. Especially when a country in the southern hemisphere celebrates Christmas in the Summer – because we can take traditional Christmas recipes and enjoy them anytime. I’ve recently been researching Christmas traditions in Australia and something that jumped out at me was the idea of a tasty Pavlova – which has all the aspects of a fantastic Christmassy treat, but since it’s hot and fresh berries are in season, enjoyed by most Australians at Christmas!
So, when VonShef gave me a Stand Mixer to test out, I knew that I had to give this festive treat a try. It’s practically impossible to make one without an electric mixer, so it was the first thing I used my new Stand Mixer on. And it turned out so much better than expected.
As this was my first time making a Pavlova, I wanted to follow the instructions perfectly. Like Meringue, the whipped eggs can be temperamental and you can end up with a chewy, soft, or flat Pav, which just wouldn’t do. Also, as I’m trying to be more health-conscious this year, I decided to make my Pavlova sugar-free, so I adapted a recipe I found online for Keto Pavlova and used what I had on hand. Of course, you can use regular sugar, if you want.
The first step is to whip the room temperature egg whites. Adding the Cream of Tartar, Sweetner, and in the recipe I used, some Xantham Gum until it was stiff and glossy
My new stand mixer made quick work. This was the first time I used it, and thought the speed and power were perfect, although it was a bit louder than expected.
Next, was to shape the mixture on some Parchment Paper and bake for 90 minutes.
Whilst the pavlova was baking, I made the toppings that I wanted. This didn’t take the full 90 minutes, only about 15 minutes. First I whipped up some whipped cream, again in the mixer.
Finally, after it came out of the oven (it rested in there for nearly two hours) it had cooled and gotten crisp on the outside, I was overjoyed that it kept its shape so well! You’ll see here though that I had the temprature of my oven a touch too high – usually Pavlovas are still mostly white with perhaps just some brown edges. I wasn’t too worried though as I was about to cover it all in whipped cream anyway…
The edges were very crunchy, the inside was not too sweet – and not at all chewy (which is a shame because I actually enjoy a nice chewy Pavlova sometimes), but rather tasted like the lightest ever Angel Food Cake that simply melts in your mouth.
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