Christmas Movies & Television

All your current favourite Christmas Movies from now, and Classic Holiday Films from the past. Find the best Christmas movies or shows for Kids.

We highlight where and when you can watch new films, or any of your favourite classics, on Netflix, online or on TV over the holidays!

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Christmas Movies

Best Christmas Movies for Adults

While we all love Kids Christmas Movies, sometimes you just want to watch Christmas movies for Adults, which are a bit more grown up. Here we run down some of the best films to watch over the holidays that offer a bit more drama, romance or comedy for adults. Love Actually Probably the universally loved Christmas movie, as its interwoven plots lead up to Christmas Day. Heartwarming, Heartbreaking, Festive, Funny and Romantic - this is a must-watch every single year. Watch Love Actually: Online or DVD via Amazon | Check Netflix | on iTunes The Family Stone I'm a sucker…

Christmas Movies & Television

Best Animated Christmas Movies for Kids

Watching Animated Christmas Movies is a tradition that we can share with the whole family, and some of the best kids movies are based on holiday themes. Please see our list below of the absolute best Christmas Movies for kids. Arthur Christmas By far, one of the best newer Animated Christmas Films from the last decade, and a favourite to watch every single year. Arthur Christmas is about lovable goofball son-of-santa Arthur who does his best to 'Save Christmas' when a child's present gets missed. Not only does it offer a festive feel-good story, it also has a fantastic, realistic…