
Thank you for joining the All Things Christmas mailing list where we share and discuss topics in the Spirit of Christmas. Here are a few quick rules to keep the list focused on that goal.

List members are more than welcome to post throughout the year as long as their posts adhere to the rules listed here.

This is a Christmas-related mailing list created in conjunction with thewww.AllThingsChristmas.com website. Topics allowed on this list include: Christmas recipes, crafts, traditions, stories, poems, carols, graphics, games, decorating, gift ideas, etc.RULE 3
If you are attempting to sell Christmas-related items, do not post to this list. Please contact the moderator at AllThingsChristmas-owner@yahoogroups.com and I will consider posting your message.

If you have joined this list in an attempt to sell products not related to Christmas, your messages will be rejected and/or deleted and you will be removed from this list.

If you have your own website related to Christmas which you are trying to promote, please contact the moderator at AllThingsChristmas-owner@yahoogroups.com. I will review your site and, if appropriate, will post a link and brief description of it to this list.

If you are seeking monetary aid for your family during the Christmas season, this is NOT the appropriate place to seek it. Please contact social services in your community for assistance.



As moderators, we will do our best to ensure that this list retains the Christmas Spirit and remains a forum for holiday related topics.

InternetKom, Moderator
AllThingsChristmas List, Yahoo Groups

Merry Christmas!


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