Christmas holidays are the most wanted around the world. Families gather to meet each other, have fun, and spend time with pleasure. Students leave campuses to meet their relatives, and there is hardly a college student who doesn’t wait for that snowy period of the year.Of course, for many students, holidays are associated with academic tasks as well because they may be assigned creative essays, or holidays can become the best chance to work on long-term projects needed for the end of the year. You know, rest is still important, and if you find it challenging to balance holiday fun with academic responsibilities, custom assignment help can provide the support needed to complete tasks efficiently while still enjoying the festive season.

In this article, we will provide you with some fun ideas on how to spend your Christmas holidays with family with fun. So, put your academic worries aside and proceed with reading.

4 Educational Christmas Games to Play with Family

Here are some of the most popular games that you can easily play with your family members of all ages. Browse the list and choose the one to your liking.

Christmas Word Scramble

This game is suitable even for small families; two people are enough, but more also works. If you have decided to spend Christmas in the narrow family circle, this game is just for you. Well, you will need to prepare pre-scrambled word lists and a pen for each player.

How to play? Create a list of scrambled Christmas-related words; for example, “EERT” for “TREE.” Then, give copies to all players. Set a timer and ask players to unscramble as many words as possible during this period. Well, 2 minutes would be enough. In the end, award one point for every correct word unscrambled, and the player with the most points wins. You can play as many circles as you want to.

Snowman Hangman

This is a quick, dynamic game that also does not require too many people—2+ is okay. If this is what you have been searching for, grab it! The game master needs only paper and a pen to prepare.

How to play: The master thinks of a Christmas-related word or phrase and draws a snowman template with six parts: head, body, arms, and legs. Players take turns guessing letters and incorrect ideas add parts to the snowman. When the snowman is completed, the word guesser loses, but the first to guess the word until all the parts of the snowman are drawn wins.

Christmas Song Trivia

There is hardly a person who does not listen to Christmas songs during the holidays. Well, Christmas melodies are heard everywhere during this period–in shopping malls, in cafes, at home, in offices, etc. But are you sure you know all of them? Play this game and find out!

How to play: The game master prepares a playlist of Christmas songs, and when the game starts, he/she plays a short clip of each (5-10 seconds). Players have to name the song and the artist. Well, you will have to think about the way players should demonstrate that they know the answer. For example, they can raise their hands or press buttons (if available). Award one point for each correct answer. Well, this game can be played in a narrow circle as well as with many people. If your family is pretty big, it is better to divide them into several teams; in this case, the team will guess a song, not a single player.

Today, there are so many modifications to this game. For example, you can add bonus points for singing a part of the song, or you can use different tools to change songs (set x2 or x0.5 speed, playback a song, etc.). As for the equipment, you will need a speaker, playlist, and buzzer (if needed).

Christmas Scattergories

Word games are some of the most popular during Christmas time. Thus, here is one more attraction you can play with your family. All you will need is paper and pens.

How to play: Choose a letter, let it be “S,” and categories like “Christmas foods” or “Holiday movies.” Players have to list words starting with that letter in each category within a set time period; 2 minutes are enough. Each unique word earns a point. You can repeat for several rounds, and the player with the most points wins. This is a great game that can help players improve vocabulary, categorization skills, and creative thinking. Moreover, if you are a foreign student, you can teach your family new words and phrases related to Christmas.

We hope this list was interesting to you and that you will spend your holidays with pleasure in a family circle. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!