We couldn’t be more excited to share with you today a wonderful video sent to us directly from the North Pole.

Although it’s just past the half-way point to Christmas, we are full of the Christmas Spirit. Not only because we’re counting down the days till the festive season, but also because we really do try to keep the spirit of Christmas alive in our everyday lives. The optimism, joy and good-will-towards-men feelings that come out especially at Christmas are wonderful ideals to keep in mind the whole year long.

With that in mind we have a special treat – a poem written especially about the happiness that Christmas brings, by Santa Claus himself!

Join our Newsletter and get this poem as a Free Printable Download – as well as permanent access to all of our other Free Downloads!

I hope you enjoyed this Christmas in July treat – please come celebrate year round with us in our Facebook Group.

Christmas Poem by Santa Claus